Rzeszów and its surroundings

Through the Wisłoka Valley

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3h 30m
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Forest bicycle trip

About this route

An easy route, leading among low hills overlooking the Wisłoka Valley. Setting out from Mielec, you will pass through villages and charming towns, see the beauty of neo-Gothic churches and the centuries-old heritage of castles and palaces. The route is not difficult or particularly demanding, although it may pose some challenge for children.

56 km
98 m
3h 30m
Surface type
Asphalt: 15%
Gravel: 82%
Others: 3%
Bicycle type
MTB , Gravel , Trekking
Route markings
Family friendly
Map inconsistent with digital accessibility resulting from the act

Practical advices

A route with a moderate level of difficulty will allow you to test your fitness. Remember that the terrain has a huge impact on how many kilometres you can cover. Trails on flat roads are less strenuous than those on hills or mountain roads.


Planning a group trip? Match the route to the fitness of the weakest participant.


A helmet and light clothing made of breathable materials will be essential for safety and comfort on the route. Other than that, only put on the essentials. Heavy luggage will make your ride more difficult. Also, think about what you will carry the necessary items in. We suggest a backpack or panniers for your bike.


Be prepared for possible breakdowns on the route. It is a good idea to carry the most important tools for a quick fix, such as inner tubes or patches, a pump or a multi-tool. Make sure you have enough water and food, as well as navigation equipment.


Is it looking like a warm and sunny day? Remember sunscreen and sunglasses. If you are planning sightseeing or other activities along the route, a bike lock will also be very useful. Before you leave, carefully examine your route for the trip. Consider whether your skills and equipment are adequate for the level of difficulty of the route.

Rzeszów and its surroundings


Route details

Mielec – Radomyśl Wielki – Przecław – Mielec


  • 1
    0 km

    Start the trip at the market square in Mielec. It is a beautifully preserved example of a Galician town market of considerable wealth – with multi-story tenements in the block, elegantly adorned in the Art Nouveau style, which was the most fashionable in the late period of Austro-Hungarian rule. Leave the market square via Legionów Street. You can stop nearby at the Regional Museum in Dworek and Oborski Park, a beautiful, asymmetrical building that houses rich local collections. At the roundabout, stay on Legionów Street, turning left. On the bridge over the Wisłoka, it is worth looking around, admiring the river's glacial valley. Further on, you will pass the village of Wola Mielecka and enter the forest. Stick to regional road No. 984. In the village of Borowina, at the fork, head towards Wadowice Górne, turning slightly to the right. After 3 km, at the imposing Gothic church, turn sharply to the left, which will bring you to the reservoir at the so-called Piekiełko. Having reached the village of Zgórsko, turn right, re-entering road 984. Through fields and groves, after 4 km you will reach Radomyśl Wielki. At the roundabout you encounter along the way, go straight, leaving the track of road 984.

  • 2
    Radomyśl Wielki
    18.6 km
    Radomyśl Wielki

    The market square in Radomyśl Wielki, which you will enter, is a typical market of a Galician town. Radomyśl is an old locality, founded as far back as the 16th century, which is reflected in the town layout – in the ribbed plan of the market square and in the placement of the parish church on one of the side streets. An interesting fact for technology enthusiasts is that the airplane standing on a pedestal in the market square – a PZL M-2 from the Mielec factory – is the only preserved machine of this type, intended for training tasks, but not implemented for broader production. Leave the market square via Piłsudskiego Street, from which you will turn right at the chapel and old parish cemetery, onto Zasowska Street. This road will lead you south of the town, through mostly forested terrain. Amidst such landscapes, you will cover 3.5 km to the village of Podlesie and further to the village of Dąbie. These are typical street villages, squeezed into small basins between low hills, where cultivated fields extend directly behind the farms on both sides of the road. After the Volunteer Fire Department building in Dąbie, turn left to reach Zasów through a low, forested hill after 2 km. It is worth stopping here at the ruins of the Łubieński manor, which began to deteriorate after the owners were expelled by communist authorities in 1945. The neo-Gothic church is also beautiful. Continue eastward, staying on the main road. However, at the end of the village, do not turn right but go straight on a narrow asphalt road through fields. 3 km away is Nagoszyn, where you can take advantage of the Equestrian Sports Centre. At the encountered red-brick neo-Gothic church with a soaring spire, turn slightly to the left, at the next intersection go to the right, and again to the right 200 metres further. When you reach the cemetery, go left. This road, through low hills, will take you to Korzeniów. From now on, you will head in a general northerly direction, staying in the Wisłoka valley. In the village of Korzeniów, it is worth visiting the manor house, whose portico is formed by a symmetrical colonnade, supporting a balcony over the entrance and a classical pediment. Continuing further, you will pass the village of Podole and enter Przecław.

  • 3
    43.1 km

    Przecław can boast a castle, church, and market square. Although this set of landmarks may seem quite standard, it is worth visiting. The castle is a beautiful and excellently maintained 15th-century complex, remodeled in the neo-Gothic style, but retaining Renaissance elements, including rich external wall stucco work and a grand bastion with exquisite friezing. Currently, it houses a hotel and restaurant, making this place an ideal stopover. The church, located in the northern part of the castle hill, is neo-Gothic, while the market square bears distinct features of a 19th and 20th-century trading place, mainly due to low residential and commercial buildings. Leave the market square via Kilińskiego Street. You will reach the village of Błonie, and 3 km beyond it, Kiełków. Some of its buildings stand right by a bend in the Wisłoka river. Further through the rural landscape scattered in the river's glacial valley, crossed by streams, you will reach Boża Wola, now a part of Książnice. In the village, the neo-Gothic and Neo-Baroque church with an exceptionally massive structure is of interest. Stay on the main road to reach the intersection with a signpost for Ruda. Go in the opposite direction, to the right. After Zawierzbie, you will cross a bridge over the Wisłoka and reach the Mielec boulevards. You can sit and enjoy the tranquility of the landscape, or continue on Rzeczna Street, past the beautiful Church of St. Matthew, built in the 17th century in the Baroque style and similarly decorated. The light color scheme of the interior harmonizes with the black-and-gold main altar, side altars, and pulpit. Such a combination makes an incredible impression. Further, via Kościuszki Street, you will return to the market square.

  • 4
    56.4 km

    Your trip ends near the starting point.