Tarnowski Castle in Dzików
Dzików Castle - Renaissance Pearl and Tarnowski Heritage in the Heart of Tarnów
Tarnowski Castle in Dzików
Dzików, now part of Tarnów, is the site of many historical events that revolved around the beautiful, Renaissance-designed palace of the Tarnowski family. Its origins date back to the 15th century when a defensive tower house was erected here. Renovations took place in the 17th and 18th centuries when bastion fortifications were created around the establishment, and in the 19th century when it was given Neo-Gothic features. The symmetrical structure creates a rectangular courtyard between the two wings and a portico integrated into the base of the six-storey tower topped with a sharp helmet. In the left wing, there is a palace chapel with a separate entrance. Interesting are the two clocks – mechanical and solar, the latter with the Tarnowski family maxim Tendite ad astra viri – Strive towards the stars. The rear of the castle was also composed with a sense of style and lightness, especially the stairs and terrace. It is currently a museum object.