Roman Catholic Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Zawada
A brick and stone church was then built there in 1656, single-nave with side chapels
Roman Catholic Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Zawada
The first religious structure in Zawada was a chapel funded by the Ligęza family in 1595 for the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary. A brick and stone church was then built there in 1656, single-nave with side chapels. The growing devotion to the miraculous image led to the need for more space for the faithful, but this became possible only in the late 1980s when a high 58-metres tower with a bell tower over the new vestibule and radial stairs with space for an open-air altar was added. The interior has a Baroque decor, with a golden altar with the miraculous image in the central field, and side altars of similar style. A preserved rood beam with a cross and the figure of the Crucified adorns the space. Figurative polychromes decorate the ceiling and the rood wall arch.

Pod koniec lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku dobudowano 58-metrową wieżę z dzwonnicą nad nowym przedsionkiem i schody wachlarzowe z miejscem na ołtarz polowy