Renaissance market square with asymmetric streets

Market Square in Tarnobrzeg

The city was established in 1593, during the Renaissance period. Hence, it is no wonder that the town square took on such a layout, with asymmetric streets intersecting in the centre of the square, and from every corner, other streets extend. The tradition of positioning sacred buildings outside the main square was maintained – the church is located on a neighboring street. The Renaissance buildings, however, disappeared over the subsequent centuries – only a few Art Nouveau townhouses and a modernist commercial and service building remain. The most interesting are two townhouses in the northwest part of the square, with intriguing Art Nouveau decorations and an arcaded balcony. An interesting element is the monument of Bartosz Głowacki, erected in the early 20th century, even though Głowacki had no connection to the city. The construction of the monument can be interpreted as a testimony to freedom of speech and the broad autonomy of Galicia within the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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