Market Square in Kolbuszowa
City from the 17th Century
Market Square in Kolbuszowa
Kolbuszowa was established before 1504 and was granted city rights in the 17th century. The market square reflects the natural establishment and urban layout of a small town of local trade and exchange importance. The main square is located at the intersection of the main north-south and east-west roads and is an irregular rectangle measuring 125 by 80 metres. In the centre there is a covered well, the temple is located outside the market square. The buildings, mostly single-storey, are from the 19th and 20th centuries, many of them Jewish (the Jews of Kolbuszowa - half of the town's pre-war population - were deported and murdered by the Germans in 1942). Currently, the square serves recreational and representational functions. In the western part, there is the Monument to the soldiers and heroes of Kolbuszowa, with plaques commemorating specific events, including one with soil from Soviet labour camps, where an unknown number of anti-communist underground soldiers were tortured to death.