Dairy Museum in Rzeszów
Dairy Museum and Dairy Products Exhibition
Dairy Museum in Rzeszów
The building from 1903, which houses the museum, is used by the Rzeszów Food School Complex. It preserves numerous artefacts related to the acquisition, processing, and storage of milk and dairy products, which have always been an important branch of agriculture and breeding in Podkarpackie. Opened in 1988, the museum showcases, among other things, 19th-century dairy machines, equipment and tools for cheese making, butter churns, and a collection of documents that promoted knowledge and new techniques among farmers over 100 years ago. An interesting exhibit is a cross-section of an Audi car from 1938 and a collection of memorabilia dedicated to Tadeusz Ścibor-Rylski, who played a special role in the development of dairy farming in Galicia.