It is one of the oldest existing churches in the Podkarpackie region, built in the second half of the 14th century as both a religious and defensive structure

Wooden Roman Catholic Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Nowosielce

This wooden temple with a stone base and a massive tower above the vestibule stands out to anyone passing through Nowosielce, not only because it is covered in dark shingles and formwork boards. It is one of the oldest existing churches in the Podkarpackie region, built in the second half of the 14th century as both a religious and defensive structure. Its location on a hill surrounded by water on three sides was conducive. While not readily apparent today, the object was also surrounded by Italian-style fortifications, including bastions, a set of ramparts, and a drawbridge. This helped defend against a Tatar invasion in 1624. Architecturally interesting are the porches, typically seen in Orthodox churches rather than Catholic ones, providing shelter for pilgrims and the faithful from distant areas. The interior has a Baroque decor with figurative polychromes and a preserved Passion group on the rood beam. In the northern part of the church grounds is a mound commemorating the defense against the Tatars.

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