Railway Guardhouse at the railway bridge on the Wisłok River in Chodaczów near Tryńcza
Military Border Guard and historic bridge over the Wisłok river
Railway Guardhouse at the railway bridge on the Wisłok River in Chodaczów near Tryńcza
This is one of the most interesting military facilities in the Podkarpackie region and in Poland in general. A small defensive work was established in 1905 on a rectangular plan with dimensions of about 8 by 10 metres, in whose opposite corners on the diagonal two turrets were placed, and the other two corners were cut off, enlarging the field of fire. The ground floor of the building is made of stone, from large blocks, the upper part is brick-built, with a wall providing protection for shooters on the roof. The windows are narrow, with a distinct defensive character. The object was captured by Russian troops in September 1914, another battle took place here in September 1939, in which the guardhouse was occupied by Germans, to establish a Bahnschutz (railway guard) post here. Next to it is an inactive, historic four-span iron bridge.